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Do I Need To Wash My Sheets After A Bug Bomb?

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Insects are all around us, and having them inside the house is a seeming inevitability. It does not matter if you live in a large mansion or in a small rented unit, you will certainly be visited by these unwanted guests.

There are many kinds of pests, and most of them are insects. From the murderous mosquitoes to the filthy roaches and flies. The fearsome poisonous spiders, and the very stressful bed bugs, expect that they'll bug you at least one point in your life. Even if you have only one or two roaches or bed bugs, the probability that their tribe will increase is huge.

Go-Forth Home Services - fighting bugs since 1959 - is the leader in pest control in the entire Triangle region. Encountering these pests is their expertise and have great experiences in getting rid of them for their customers. In this article, Go-Forth Home Services would like to share some information on how to get rid of pests, the use of bug bombs, and what to do after a bug bomb treatment.

If you are one of the Triangle residents who are greatly affected by pests, then this article is for you. 

Bug Bombs - What Are They For?

Bug bombs, foggers, total release foggers, it goes by different names, but still are just as deadly to pests. Foggers or bug bombs are pesticide products that spray out all at once, resembling a bomb, thus the name. It works by spraying a mist into the air and falls on exposed surfaces and objects. However, it does not reach hidden areas like cracks and crevices because it does not spray gas.

Using bug bombs are made to kill fleas, bed bugs, roaches, mosquitoes, and other pests. It contains deadly chemicals pyrethroid pesticides and also aerosol propellants. This creates a fog that fills the room.

How Effective Are Bug Bombs In Killing Pests?

Foggers are poisonous and will kill pests upon direct contact. However, it is not going to be effective if the insects are hiding. If the pest is under furniture, then it is safe from the attack. It treats the surfaces wherein the pesticide lands.  

What Pests Are Bug Bombs Used Against?

Bug Bombs can be useful against pests if used properly. Below is a list of pests it can kill, and the alternatives to using a pest bomb, which could be more effective. 

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small insects that suck blood for nourishment. They are just the size of an apple seed and The bites themselves are not painful, but the effects would show a week or two later. Their bites are very itchy and unsightly. Aside from the physical effects, bed bugs bring psychological effects. Homeowners who report cases of bed bug infestation also report that they face stress, anxiousness, unable to sleep; some even lead to depression. They are declared as “high health risks” by three government agencies in the United States: the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Center for Disease Control.

Bed bugs were supposedly extinct. In the 1950s, scientists found a way to kill them all off with new pesticides. However, bed bugs made a huge comeback in the mid-'90s, and now they are stronger than ever, as they seem to have gained resistance from the same pesticides that killed them off before.

Travel is the main reason why bed bugs came back. With modern technology, travel has never been made easier as it is now. More Americans are traveling, which gives bed bugs more opportunities to hitchhike.

Signs that you have bed bugs include blood stains on your bedsheets, a sweet and musty scent, sheddings from bed bugs, and actually seeing the bed bugs. Their hiding places include the headboards, bed frames, mattresses, and pillows. If the infestation becomes heavy, then they can reach even the ceilings, drawers, electric receptacles, and furniture. They spread fast because they can reproduce quickly.

For prevention, vacuum your mattresses and furniture regularly. Vacuum cracks and crevices too. Clean up clutter so that they would not have places to hide. If you are buying second-hand items from a garage sale, inspect it for bed bugs before buying. When traveling, inspect the hotel room you are going to stay in for bed bugs.


Cockroaches are among the dirtiest creatures on the planet. The pest does not care what it eats. It could be feces, trash, rotten food, dead animals, or even its own. Cockroaches live in sewers, cesspits, and garbage bins. Roaches, like bed bugs, are nocturnal so they forage for food only at night.

Some people doubt the effectiveness of fogging against roaches because of new research studies that say roaches have developed a resistance to pesticides. Indeed, roaches are hardy insects; they can live without food for one month, and 1 week without water. Roaches can hold their breaths for 45 minutes and can remain underwater for 30 mins.

Instead of relying on pesticides, practice good housekeeping. Sweep and mop the floors then vacuum carpets and furniture. Place a lid on your trash cans and regularly dispose of your garbage properly. Place your food inside sealed containers. Seal cracks and crevices by caulking. Remove clutter where cockroaches love to hide. 


Fleas are flightless, small insects that feed on animal and human blood. Hematophagy is the term for their act of feeding. Adult fleas eat a lot and can consume as much as 15 times their own body weight. Their bodies are flattened sideways, with long claws on all of their six legs. Since they prefer hairy hosts, this body shape enables them to move through their hosts’ feathers or fur. While other insects have compound eyes, like flies and cockroaches, fleas have simple eyespots with one biconvex lens. There are even some fleas that do not have eyes at all. They have strong legs that make them excellent jumpers. They can jump up to 6 inches vertically, so they can easily latch on to a host who happens to pass them by. Their mouthparts are made for sucking blood.

Here are some tips on how to get rid of fleas. Vacuum carpets, rugs, and furniture. Every week, wash your pet’s bedding. Comb your pet with a flea comb, then dip the comb on soapy water to drown the fleas. 


Be wary of these tiny, fragile-looking creatures; they may not look like much, but they are the most dangerous creatures on earth. They are responsible for the deaths of millions of people annually. Everyone is aware that it has been said that mosquitoes have killed more people than all of the wars in history combined. This is because mosquitoes can transmit lots of dangerous diseases, including West Nile fever, dengue fever, malaria, encephalitis, yellow fever, and elephantiasis. They breed in standing water.

Mosquitoes have poor eyesight and rely on their sense of smell to detect carbon dioxide released by humans. They also use the scent of humans to find them.

To control mosquitoes, remove old items that can hold water for a long time, like old cans, old tires, old gutters, and water containers. When going out, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Apply mosquito repellents with the active ingredient DEET for added protection. Inside the bedroom, use a mosquito net. You may also use an electric fan to disturb the flight path of the mosquitoes.   

After Fogging

Foggers are dangerous not only to pests but also to us humans. It can cause serious illness and even death if foggers bug bombs are not used properly. Lingering chemicals can have negative effects on you. Before fogging, cover all clothes and sheets; they must not be exposed to the chemicals. If exposed and you wear these clothes, it would transfer to your skin and make you sick. If possible, clothing should be removed from your home.

In case your clothes or sheets are exposed to chemicals, immediately launder them. Symptoms of poisoning include burning skin, headache, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and seizures. See a doctor if these signs show up.

If you have problems with pest infestation and are overwhelmed by them, do not worry. The best pest control professionals in the Triangle area, Go-Forth Home Services, will take care of the dirty work for you. 

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

While DIY pest control methods are the first option for many homeowners, this does not completely solve the problem. Pest remains, especially those that are hidden. Pests also know how to protect themselves from pesticides. They have different habits and behaviors that you should know about first in order for your pest control methods to be effective.

With Go-Forth Home Services, they can quickly analyze your pest situation and tell you the best methods of extermination for you. They will work with you until you are satisfied with their plan of action. Trust Go-Forth Home Services to leave no stone unturned.

Go-Forth Home Services is trusted by many generations in the Salisbury, NC area.