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Will Fleas Leave If The Pet Is Gone? (Greensboro Exterminators)

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Dog shows have become a popular event worldwide. It is an interesting experience that brings all the best breeds together to see who fits the crown. Dog shows are not limited to small breed categories such as the Dachshund, Shih Tzus, and Maltese. It also caters to larger breeds such as the Pitbull Terrier, American Bully, Doggo Argentino, Doberman, and many more.

One of the main reasons dog enthusiasts participate and patronize dog shows is the tricks and hacks they learn from one another. This includes proper grooming, diet, deworm, muscle tone, and exercise. When enthusiasts come together in a show, they talk about their hardships and challenges in maintaining the wellness of their dogs. In most cases, they talk about flea prevention and cure. They also talk about the best flea removal services in their area.

A flea infestation is a major problem not only for thick and long-coated dogs such as the Siberian Husky, Border Collie, and Chow Chow. It is also a common problem among Dobermans, American Bullies, French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, and many more.

This is why dog breeders and enthusiasts listen intently to what experts have to say about eliminating fleas and preventing them from infesting our dog’s fur.

But before we get into that, let’s discuss several facts about fleas that can help you control their population in the household. 

Facts About Fleas 

  1. Fleas have flexible life cycles. We all know that the life cycle of fleas starts as eggs. Then, they turn into larvae, then pupae before they turn into adults. Normally, insects have a specific number of days before they shift from one stage to another. Fleas do not have a specific schedule when to grow. According to entomologists, these creatures can wait until the circumstances get better before they shift phases.  Because of this fact, pet owners are instructed to apply methods of flea control regularly. This will inhibit all forms of flea activity. So, no matter the stage they’re in, they’ll start to dehydrate and slowly die.
  2. Fleas are extremely difficult to eradicate. According to Dr. Daniel Morris, a dermatologist from Pennsylvania, flea medications on the market are effective to eliminate adult fleas. However, it’s unlikely to kill the pupae. The best thing it can do is delay the eggs from hatching but it does not stop the flea infestation. There will always be a new wave to target your fur babies. 
  3. Treating your pet is not enough. Fleas do not dwell on the coat of your dogs. After feeding, the female fleas detach themselves from the animal to look for a secure and stable place to lay their eggs. No matter how much you treat your pet, there will always be other sources of flea infestation. There could be eggs on the nearest crack and crevice near your couch. Some of them might have already hatched on your couch. There are millions of possible areas where they can live apart from the coat of your pet. So if you’re asking if you’ll still have fleas even without your pet, yes! They still exist on your carpets, couches, bedding, sometimes even your clothing compartment. If you want to eliminate fleas for good you need to treat these areas thoroughly.  Most of the time, you’ll need the help of Greensboro exterminators for a more effective method of pest control.
  4. Fleas can live for a long time without eating. Researchers found that pupae can stay inside their cocoons for up to one year. Once they hatch into adults, they will need to feed immediately. But in difficult situations, they can hold their hunger for two weeks. Say, you took a trip for a whole week. By the time you get back, the fleas will have become ravenous. They’ll be jumping at your feet when you open the door.
  5. 5. These creatures can lay more than 50 eggs a day. One female egg can start a whole infestation. Without intervention, you’ll have more than 10 to 20 thousand fleas at hand. This is how serious flea infestations are. The worst part is, you’ll never know you have fleas until the infestation has become severe.
  6. Fleas are gold medalists in the jumping category. Entomologists regard these creatures as the best jumpers among all insects. Did you know that fleas can jump more than 150 times their body lengths?  This is a necessary skill they need to build in order to latch on to different animals. Considering the speed and agility of dogs on the move, fleas tied to have that edge so they can find a suitable host to feed on.
  7. No pet is safe from flea infestations. Many people believe that their cats and dogs are not prone to flea infestations because they live indoors.  This is a common misconception that leads fur parents to take flea infestations for granted. Even if your dogs are highly protected, this does not guarantee a flea-proof home. It only takes one female flea to get into your patio and lay eggs to start a full-on infestation. This is why experts recommend preventative measures even if the pets live indoors.
  8. Pets can develop allergies from flea bites. According to dermatologists, the itch from a flea-bite is almost impossible to ignore. This causes incessant scratching and chewing on their skin that makes it susceptible to bacteria. When this happens, your pets are prone to acute dermatitis and other skin conditions. Their saliva alone can cause allergies. Before a flea bite, it injects its saliva into the skin. This serves as an anesthetic as they feed on your pet’s blood. This causes the reddish bump they leave on the skin. If your dogs are sensitive to foreign compounds, they might experience rashes near the bite site.
  9. Fleas can transmit bacteria to humans. It is no surprise that fleas carry various forms of bacteria, including those that affect human beings.  If these carriers bite you or your family members, it can cause cat scratch disease. The symptoms include but are not limited to fever, headache, poor appetite, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. People with weaker immune systems are more prone to the disease. So, if you have children around, you need to upgrade your methods to eliminate fleas that can cause illnesses.
  10. Not only do fleas transmit bacteria, but they also bring parasites such as tapeworms. Fleas are the common hosts of these worms. If your pet accidentally ingests fleas from their chewing, the tapeworms implant themselves into their gut and small intestines which will soon affect their appetite and activities. 

How To Eliminate Fleas 

Seeing how dangerous these pests truly are, we need to learn how to eliminate fleas completely.  Here are some of the most common methods to treat fleas and their environment:

  1. Use spot-on treatments. These treatments are applied on their nape, neck, or armpits. Consult the nearest vet to determine which brand of spot-on treatments is right for your dog. This makes sure that they do not experience allergic reactions to specific compounds.
  2. Flea powders. This is another trick that most fur parents use to protect dogs from fleas while they play outside. Before you choose one, better consult your vet first so he can recommend the best powder for your dog. 
  3. Use specialized flea shampoos. Flea shampoos consist of tea tree oil and neem oil which are effective to kill ticks and fleas. You can enhance this by using a baking soda to suffocate the fleas for good. When you bathe your dog, lather it using the flea shampoo and the baking soda. Soak them for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse them thoroughly. The soap acts as an adhesive, trapping that fleas on the suds. So when you rinse it, the fleas will be flushed away.
  4. Use diatomaceous earth. This is a cost-effective method to treat the environment. Experts regard this as a natural and safe method to hamper the activities of fleas. Make sure to purchase the food-grade diatomaceous earth so it’s safe for skin contact. To apply, sprinkle a generous amount of the powder on flea-infested areas such as carpets and sofa beds. Spread it thinly. Replace the powder every after two days to kill fleas, roaches, spiders, and bed bugs.
  5. Regularly wash pet bedding and toys. This is the best way to eliminate pupae, larvae, and eggs. Since they cannot move much during these stages, they’ll probably stay where the pets sleep. To eliminate these pests, regularly wash their bedding and toys. Treat every area where they sit and sleep, including your bed and couch. You’ll never know if there are eggs and larvae present in those areas. So, it’s better to be sure. 

Contact A Professional

If all methods fail, the best way to eliminate fleas for good is by contacting a professional exterminator. One of the best companies in North Carolina is Go-Forth Home Services. They offer the best and safest methods of pest management at a very affordable price. To save yourself from the hassle of using DIY procedures, contact these experts so they can take care of your problem immediately. Contact them now and get your free quote. You’re finally one step closer to a flea-free environment.