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Greensboro, NC's Helpful Guide To Pantry Moth Control

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Indian Meal Moth crawling in a pantry.

We often tend to think of pests like mice or spiders or cockroaches. But the truth is that some pests undergo serious transformations during their lives, and pose different risks at each stage. The one that exemplifies this best is the pantry moth, which shows just how differently a pest can behave from its infancy through adulthood. Learning more about the behavior of these common invaders may just help you avoid an infestation yourself.

What Are Pantry Moths?

Pantry moths or Indian meal moths are a specific type of pantry pest, which are insects that specifically target and breed near stored dry foods. Meal moths as adults behave similarly to any other: they’re attracted to flame and they eat pollen from plants. But their offspring, the small worm-like larvae that they hatch from eggs, are a problem inside your cupboards. They eat stored grains and dry goods, contaminating food sources, and then growing into mature, mating pests themselves. It’s this cycle that makes them some of the most difficult pests to contain and avoid. That’s why early prevention and professional help are key, but to get started, you have to understand how these pests get introduced into homes in the first place.

How They Invade Homes

Pantry moths can get introduced into homes in several ways, all of which are dependent on which stage of life they are in. Insects that squirm around as babies and fly through the air as adults can be difficult to completely account for, after all. Here are some of the common ways infestations start:

  • Contaminated Items: Often, larvae or eggs can be laid directly inside of accessible food packaging or on store shelves. People who don’t thoroughly check their items before a purchase can easily introduce contaminated food directly into their pantries.
  • Packaging: While inspecting groceries before a purchase is a good idea, it’s important to note that food can be contaminated even before it hits the shelves. Pantry moths often infest food processing centers, where goods are boxed and bagged before they even get shipped out.
  • Access Points: As adults, moths can infiltrate your home the same ways that any flying bug can -- through open windows and doors or holes in screens.

Pantry Moth Prevention

Now that you know how infestations likely start, you know where to target your efforts and give yourself the best chance of avoiding pantry moths. Here’s how you can implement moth prevention in your own home:

  • Food Storage: Keeping your dry foods in sturdy, reusable containers not only keep them safe from pests that can chew through packaging, but it also allows you to inspect the entire package of goods as you pour it into a safe container. This is crucial for spotting eggs that might have been laid deep within.
  • Windows & Doors: Torn screens or spaces around your doors can allow insects an easy way in. Repair and replace where necessary and consider door sweeps to reduce gaps that bugs can crawl through.
  • Inspections: A trained set of eyes provides the best assurances that pest problems aren’t growing somewhere hidden.

Complete Moth Control From Experts

With pests that specifically target human pantries, it’s no wonder why so many homeowners find themselves with a meal moth infestation. Not only can these pests invade in any number of ways, but they also quickly grow out of control. Rather than worrying about it, turn directly to trained experts who can keep your property safe from pantry pests. At Go-Forth Home Services, we can inspect your home for any signs of pest activity. We can not only remove any existing problems, we offer prevention treatments that will ward off pantry moths and many other invasive insects.

For true protection from meal moths and their hungry offspring, contact Go-Forth Home Services today.