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Getting Your Columbia, SC Property Ready For Termite Season

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termites in a group crawling on wood

It's almost time for the invasion. No, aliens aren't coming - termites are. With termite season around the corner, you should start preparing yourself for the onslaught. With little effort on their part, termites can destroy your property and cost you significant money in repairs. Find out how to get ready for termite season and protect your home from these pests. 

Know What To Expect

Before termite season arrives, you should know what to expect. Termites are a problem all year in Columbia, but they're relatively quiet in the winter. The cold weather makes them slow down. As soon as the temperature warms up, termites become more active.

They send out swarmers, which are the reproductive members of the colony. Unlike other types of termite colony members, the ones in swarmers have wings. They fly, mate, and lose their wings.

Because people often see termite swarmers in the spring, they refer to the spring as termite season. But, if you see a swarmer, you may already have a termite problem. The first sign of a termite infestation is often seeing a swarmer.

Does A Swarmer Mean You Have Termites?

If you see a Swarmer, you could have termites. But there's no guarantee. Where you see the termites could tell you whether or not you have termites. Typically, swarmers don't fly very far.

To confirm whether or not you have termites in Columbia, you can contact a pest control professional, and they can do a thorough inspection and look for signs of termite presence. If they find evidence of termites, the expert can come up with a plan to remove the pests. 

How To Prepare For Termite Season

As a property owner, you should know that termites can invade at any time, so always work on termite prevention. You can follow these tips to keep your home or business safe from termites:

Seal Space Around Gas And Water Lines
The areas surrounding your gas and water lines could be entry points for termites. By using caulk to seal up those openings, you can reduce the chance of termites taking over. 
Limit Wood-To-Ground Contact
Subterranean termites are commonly found in Columbia. Because they live in the soil, these termites are likely to enter your home where soil and wood come into contact with one another. By reducing wood-to-soil contact, you limit your likelihood of experiencing an infestation. A barrier between wood and soil can protect your property.
Remove Excess Cellulose
While it's accurate to say that termites eat wood, it's more accurate to say that termites eat cellulose, a chemical compound that your home’s wood happens to be highly abundant in. If you have firewood piles, old lumber, or any other sources of cellulose, you could attract termites. To keep these pests away, dispose of all woodpiles or store them far from your structures. Instead of using regular mulch, use a cellulose-free material in your garden beds. 
Keep Moisture Away
Excess moisture makes your wood even more appealing to termites. To prevent this from occurring, address moisture issues. Fix drainage problems and be sure to repair any leaking plumbing and/or fixtures. Then, your property will be less appealing.
Rely On A Professional
The most effective form of termite prevention is with a professional plan in place. Even if you take the aforementioned steps to protect your property, a swarmer could still decide to reside near your buildings. To get complete protection from these damaging invaders, you need professional assistance.  

Here at Go-Forth Home Services, we can come up with a truly effective plan for termite prevention. Our pest control experts are well-trained. If you're ready to get started, give us a call today.