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Answering Commonly Asked Questions About German Roaches In Columbia

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german cockroach up close

Cockroaches: no matter the type, nobody wants them in their homes. Locally, you're likely to encounter the German cockroach. These pests are sturdy, they’re hard to kill, and they eat your food and walk all over your kitchen. The trick to treating an infestation is understanding the pest, so we'll discuss everything you need to know about the German cockroaches that you might see in your home. And for effective pest control in Columbia, call Go-Forth Home Services. We’ll treat your cockroach infestation safely and effectively. 

Why Are German Cockroaches In My House?

There are usually two reasons why any pest is in your house: food and shelter. Cockroaches, German cockroaches in particular, will eat just about anything, including soap and glue. They’re also really good hitchhikers, which means they’ll find a way to get to your house even if it means riding in a bag or a shipping box. And if they end up somewhere with plenty to eat, water, and protection from the elements, they’ll stay. Even (or especially) if that’s your kitchen.

How Quickly Do German Cockroaches Reproduce?

German cockroaches in Columbia breed extremely quickly, reaching up to six generations in a single year. The entire life cycle from egg to nymph to adult only takes about 100 days. And while maturing through the stages of the life cycle, cockroaches will be eating whatever food they can get. Cockroaches breed continuously, which means they won’t wait for one generation to reach adulthood before they start laying eggs again. Instead, female roaches will just keep laying eggs as long as they can, and all those eggs will grow up and lay their own. This causes exponential population growth. 

How Fast Can Seeing A German Cockroach Turn Into Seeing A Lot?

Because cockroaches reproduce so rapidly, it doesn’t take long at all to go from one or two roaches to a full-blown German cockroach infestation. Let’s say just one female German cockroach gets in your house. Just three months later, the first eggs she laid will be fully grown. She’ll have kept laying eggs during those three months, so there will also be any number of cockroaches in varying stages of development. Three months might seem like a long time, but when it comes to a cockroach infestation, time doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting them out and keeping them away. 

What To Do About The German Cockroaches Taking Over My Home?

You definitely don’t want these pests hanging around. Not only do cockroaches get into your food, they spread diseases. Cockroaches have little spines on their legs that pick up bacteria and parasites from the surfaces they walk on, which they then carry into your home. These germs include salmonella, E. coli, and as many as six types of parasitic worms. Some people even have allergic reactions or asthma flare-ups caused by cockroach saliva and waste. 

There are a few things you can do to try to prevent a German cockroach infestation. Keeping all your food put away into airtight containers is a great step, since that means the roaches can’t get to it. Sealing up cracks in the wall is also good, since that takes away entry points into your home. 

The truth is, there isn’t a good DIY cockroach control treatment. Infestations grow so rapidly, and roaches are so hard to kill, that the quickest, easiest, and safest method is to call in an expert in pest control for roaches. Leave it to the professionals at Go-Forth Home Services to get them all out of your house. We’ll perform a thorough inspection and come up with the cockroach pest control treatment plan that works best for you and your family. We even offer same-day visits when possible so that you can be pest-free sooner. Call Go-Forth Home Services today so that you can have a cockroach-free tomorrow!