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The Key To Overwintering Pest Control In Richmond

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a stink bug on a leaf

Your house is a winter vacation home for bugs. During the overwintering period, you will see bugs making their presence known around your house. But in most cases, they usually emerge during warm temperatures. That is why pest activity increases in spring. If your house has been relatively pest-free and suddenly you experience boxelder bug infestations, reach out to Go-Forth Home Services and get a veteran in pest control in Richmond.

What Are Overwintering Pests?

Typically, overwintering pests hibernate during the winter season and come out when temperatures rise. Some common overwintering pests include cluster flies, Asian lady beetles, stink bugs, and boxelder bugs. These pests commonly hide in offices, homes, barns, and other shelters to escape the cold.

The Problem With Overwintering Pests Is When They Want To Come Inside

Overwintering pests can cause garden and yard damage when the spring season sets in. But when they desire to get inside your house, they cause other problems. For example, insects like the brown marmorated stink bug are not pests you want in your home; they produce unpleasant odors. Other overwintering pests are also annoying because they leave behind waste that will make your house an unpleasant place to find peace. And even if you do not see these irksome qualities in these pests, they can multiply and become a real nuisance.

Factors That Attract Overwintering Pests To Your Property

Many factors can attract overwintering pests to your home. Below are some of the factors that will make these insects come to your property:

  • Lighter colors like gray, white, and yellow attract beetles. Additionally, a house with longitudinal colors tends to attract these bugs.
  • Homes with trees on the property usually have bug cases.
  • Highly illuminated walls can attract lady beetles.
  • A pre-existing cluster of bugs can draw more bugs or their predator pests.
  • A boxelder tree, silver maple, ash, apple, almond, and plum attract box elder bugs.

If you want to be sure of the overwintering pests you can attract to your home, work with a professional exterminator who can indicate the factors that attract these pests to your property.

Contact The Professionals For Complete Pest Control This Winter

Most homeowners need to know the benefits of regular landscape and preventative pest control services. If well done, you can reduce the chances of overwintering pest infestations when spring returns. However, if you are already seeking boxelder bug control or stink bug treatment, you are in the right place. At Go-Forth Home Services, we have the solutions you need for getting rid of boxelder bugs. With professional help by your side, you do not have to worry about stink bug control in the home or dealing with pest infestations.

Overwintering pests hide during the cold months and come out to play in spring. Some of these pests include stink bugs and lady beetles. If your property has certain trees, like almond or apple trees, it is easy to have an infestation of boxelder bugs on your hands. When an infestation happens, you want to hire skilled technicians with the best tools, products, and programs to eliminate pests from your Richmond home. Contact Go-Forth Home Services today to discuss your pest suspicions and challenges.