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What's The Best Way To Keep Spiders Out Of My House In Richmond?

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spider in web

It can be terrifying to see spiders lurking around your home. Not only do these quick and nimble arachnids have an intimidating appearance, but they could also indicate that you have another type of pest infestation in your home. 

At Go-Forth Home Services, we can help you discover why you suddenly have a spider infestation in and around your home. We provide comprehensive Richmond spider removal services and prevention solutions to homeowners. Here is a closer look at some things you can do to keep spiders out of your home.

Does Killing A Spider Attract More Spiders?

Many people are afraid to kill a spider they see inside their home because they fear it may attract more spiders to their property. So, does killing a spider really attract other spiders? The short answer is no; dead spiders don't attract live spiders to your home. However, this is a complicated question that seems to stump some of the most experienced spider experts.

Spiders in Richmond like to eat various small bugs, including ants, flies, and beetles. Some spiders will even eat other types of spiders as well. However, spiders like their meals to be fresh. They will only eat an insect if it is alive; they don't like to eat dead or decomposed carcasses. If a spider sees another dead spider, it might try to hang around the area for a while. It is not necessarily interested in the dead spider. Instead, it is waiting for the insects to come and feed on the dead spider's body. While the insects are snacking on the dead body, the spider will strike at the unsuspecting bugs and eventually eat them.

 If you are seeing spiders in your home, you should contact a pest control specialist with spider control experience. They will be able to quickly and effectively remove all dead spiders from your home to ensure that it isn't attracting any type of insect or other animal. 

Is It Dangerous To Have Spiders In My House?

The black widow spider and brown recluse spider are the only venomous spiders in Richmond. While most spiders are not dangerous to have around, seeing them in your home could indicate that you have other problems in your home. For example, spiders like to hang out in warm and moist areas. If you see many spiders crawling around, it could mean that you have a leaky pipe or another moisture issue in your home. Seeing several spiders in your home could also indicate that you have a lot of insects in your home as well.

If you see spiders or a lot of spider webs around your home, you should contact a spider control company to discover what is attracting these small creatures to your home. 

How Did Spiders Find Their Way Into My Home?

Over the years, our expert spider exterminators have witnessed these cunning arachnids sneak into homes through various openings. Because they are so small, they can squeeze through tiny cracks and gaps found around windows and doors as well as the pipes and cables of a home. 

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Spiders?

After providing home pest control services in Richmond for years, our experts have compiled a list of the best ways to prevent spiders from coming into your home. Some of our most effective tips include:

  • Fix moisture issues in your home.
  • Reduce the clutter in your home to eliminate hiding spots.
  • Address any other insect or pest infestation in your home.

If the spiders have already found a way inside your home, Go-Forth Home Services is here to help. Our pest control specialists have years of experience when it comes to providing spider control in Richmond. Give us a call today to see how we can quickly make the spiders in your home go away for good.