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Why Are Mice In Raleigh Taking Over My Raleigh Home?

mouse close up

Mice are often a significant problem for many homeowners during the winter season. These pesky rodents are more prone to invade homes during this time, causing all sorts of trouble if they aren’t handled and removed quickly.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the basic principles of mouse control in Raleigh. We’ll start by taking a look at some of the more common mouse species found in the area and how to quickly identify them. Then, we’ll discuss how the ability to find a food source affects mouse problems in homes. After that, we’ll talk about some of the ways that pet food and water could attract mice to your home and what you can do to keep these pests away. 

Finally, we’ll go over the various benefits of working with a professional pest control company to get rid of mice for good. Our team at Go-Forth Home Services is passionate about helping local homeowners with any pest problem they might face.

Common Mouse Species In Raleigh Homes 

To start, let’s learn a bit about mouse identification in Raleigh. Several types of rodents are found in the area, but today, we’ll just talk about two – the house mouse and the deer mouse. 

House mice are by far the most common type of mouse found across the United States. They are light brown to dark gray with white underbellies. They range from 4 ¾ to 7 ¾ inches long and have large ears and pointed noses.

Deer mice are slightly larger than house mice on average, ranging from 5 to 8 inches long. They are usually brown or dark brown with white undersides. They have large ears and eyes and a pointed nose. 

Now that you’ve learned a bit more about some of the types of mice found in the area let’s go over the importance of food sources for mice.

The Role Of Food Sources In Mouse Infestations 

A reliable food source is one of the most common factors that attract mice to homes. Mice often struggle to find food in the wild during the colder, harsher winter months, meaning that a source of food they don’t have to endanger themselves is attractive to them. 

Mouse infestations will often target the same food or kinds of food over and over again, as mice tend to be habitual creatures.

Pet Food And Water Could Be Mouse Attractions 

Another attractant for mice that is often overlooked is pet food. Mice will eat a wide variety of foods, but they may be attracted to cat or dog food and water left out in pet bowls. It’s crucial you keep mice out of your homes and away from your pets. Here are a few mouse prevention tips that should reduce the risk of these pests getting inside: 

  • Store food and water in tightly sealed containers.
  • Take out the trash regularly.
  • Store pet food in closed containers and change water frequently.
  • Reduce excess moisture in and around your home. 

Following these tips should help protect yourself and your family from the threat of mice. If you need assistance getting rid of these pests, don’t hesitate to contact Go-Forth Home Services.

When To Seek Professional Mouse Control In Raleigh 

Here at Go-Forth Home Services, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch service every time. Since 1959, we’ve been committed to helping local homeowners with any pest problem they might be facing. Customer service and satisfaction are our top priorities, so you can be sure that we’ll get the job done right. 

Contact Go-Forth Home Services today for more information about our mouse extermination services.