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Flea Control To Protect Your Pets

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Gray cat with fleas.

Any pet owner will tell non-pet owners the joys of owning pets. Pets are stress relievers, they welcome their owners back home after a hard day’s work. They love unconditionally, they do not ask for anything other than a bowl of food and water and a nice hug.

Owning a pet can be very challenging too, ask any pet owner around if you do not have one. Cleaning up after their mess, including their poop, is a challenge to some, though it is something any owner will get used to.

Another challenge for pet lovers is when their beloved dog or cat gets sick. Most people simply get a pet from the store without researching first what it takes to be a pet owner. They are not equipped in handling situations wherein their pets are not feeling well, and it is a pity because it is a situation wherein our pets need us the most.

Having fleas is one such instance. Fleas not only make our pests uncomfortable, but it can also make them sick. Their lives would be in danger if we do not act on the situation. So we at Go-Forth Home Services, the leading pest control company in the Triad area, will give you some tips on caring for your pets.

Zero Or Little Knowledge Would Endanger The Life Of Your Pet

What if your dog is suffering from aches and pains due to old age, and manages to somehow eat a piece of chocolate which is poison to them, would you know what to do? Usually, the answer is “no” for most of us, with nary a clue as to what to do next. An owner who does not know what to do is often too reliant on a veterinarian, which would make the pet suffer more.

  • Pet owners who do not know the repercussions of their pet not looking well often delay treatment and would rather “observe."
  • They sometimes rely on strong drug treatments but do not know the adverse effects of using this.
  • A lot of pet owners are not familiar with the more gentle and natural methods of treating their pets.
  • Pet owners would try to avoid the costs or would discontinue treatment because it is getting a bit expensive.
  • A lot of pet owners do not know how to perform CPR on humans, much less with their pets. They do not know how to give basic medical care, which is unfortunate because there will be some instances wherein the vet cannot come to the rescue on time.

Whereas a pet owner who has sufficient knowledge of pet first aid will be able to do the following:

  • Pet owners easily purchase effective treatments so that the pet would not have to suffer unnecessarily.
  • They are quick to decide on what course of action to take to ease the pain being felt by the ailing pet.
  • They are quick to diagnose the sick or injured pet. Pet owners know if they can administer care by themselves, or if they have to take the sick pet to the vet.
  • Pet owners can immediately start regimens that have been proven to prevent common pet diseases like diabetes or cancer, enabling the pet to live longer with the owner.
  • They can spot if the pet has fleas through signs and symptoms.

If only our beloved pets could talk, then it would be much easier to care for them. Unfortunately, they do not talk and verbalize the pain that they are feeling. It is then up to us humans to look it up for them. This is why every pet lover needs to have the right information because it could save their pets’ lives. If we consider our pets as part of the family, then we should do everything within our powers to protect them and keep them healthy.

Fleas: A Perennial Problem

Our pets truly deserve our love and care. They bring us fun, affection, loyalty, and unconditional love. However, there is one thing that they bring in that is not as pleasant as they are: fleas. Fleas somehow find their way to our pets no matter how well we care for and clean them. Once our pets go out to our yard, there will always be a possibility of a chance encounter with these pests.

Fleas are one of the most common bloodsucking pests, and they can cause a lot of damage. These pests live by sucking the blood out of their hosts, usually hairy mammals or feathery birds. If they could not find them, they would resort to human hosts.

There are several types of fleas, the most common are dog fleas, cat fleas, northern rat fleas, oriental rat fleas, and human fleas. We humans and or pets are also vulnerable to several diseases that these fleas are known to transmit, like the bubonic plague, murine typhus, tularemia, and tungiasis. Other effects of fleas are hair loss, rashes, and itchy skin.

Our homes are the ideal places to live for fleas because of the warm and humid environment, plus they do not have to worry about food since they are already near the source.

Fleas reproduce quickly and in huge numbers, and that makes them hard to stop. After a blood meal, they lay about 15 eggs a day, and up to 600 eggs their whole life. They usually lay their eggs on their hosts, and these eggs would drop anywhere around the house. These flea eggs only need 2 days to several weeks before they hatch.

Fleas are very small, they are the size of a pinhead. Since they are very small, it is hard to detect them. They have flat bodies that enable them to navigate around the skin of their hairy hosts. They are wingless, but they really do not have any use for them anyway as they have very powerful legs that allow them to jump up to 4 feet.

Flea Life Cycle

The life of a flea has four stages: the egg stage, larva stage, pupa stage, and finally, the adult. As we said, the eggs take about two to three days to hatch.

After the eggs hatch, they become larvae. They are tiny and look like worms. After 5 days, the larvae would then get into a cocoon, where they would stay until they sense a host, after which they become adult fleas.

How To Treat Flea Bites

Fleas bite humans too. They typically bite around the ankles, legs, and then arms. Fleas can jump very high relative to their size, that is why they can reach our ankles and legs. When we pet our dogs, we are vulnerable to fleas too.

Flea bites usually heal by itself. The effects of flea bites are itching, which is due to the saliva of the fleas. Avoid scratching the area of the bite no matter how itchy it is. Infection may occur by doing so.

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to flea bites. Symptoms of allergic reactions are dizziness, difficulty in breathing, nausea, chest pain, and swelling of the lips or tongue. Consult with a doctor if this happens.

If you are bitten by fleas, wash the area of the bites with soap and water. You may also try using alcohol, vinegar, or tea tree oil. These are effective remedies.

Try using organic apple cider vinegar. You can either use a Q-tip and dab it gently on the bite site, or you can pour a cup full of vinegar onto your bath water and soak it in this bath.

Getting Rid Of Fleas

Fleas are unwelcome guests to your home. Not only do they attack your beloved pets, but they attack you and your family too. Take note that they transmit deadly diseases as well as they are nuisance pests.

Here are a few tips on how to get rid of fleas in your house:

  1. Vacuum clean your carpets, rugs, and furniture at least once or twice a week. Set your vacuum cleaner to the highest setting, and your brush to its most powerful so that you can get not only the adults but the eggs and larvae as well.
  2. After vacuuming, Seal and dispose of the bag. Sealing the bag prevents the pupae from getting out of the bag and back to your house.
  3. Sweep the wooden floors and tiles. Keep your house clean.
  4. Wash your pet’s bed and bedding with hot, soapy water to kill the fleas.
  5. Use a flea comb. When using a flea comb, bring with you a cup of soapy water. Do this outside the house. Dip the comb with the fleas you caught into the soapy water to drown them.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by fleas in your home, then contact the best pest control company in the Triad area, Go-Forth Home Services. Go-Forth Home Services is a name that has been trusted for generations. For more information, or to request a quote, call us now!