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How Do I Prepare My House For Roach Fogger?

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cockroach eating food

Pests, specifically cockroaches are one of the many creatures we refuse to welcome in our homes and establishment. This kind of insect is what we normally see around. So I bet everyone knows what a cockroach is and how filthy it looks like. There are about 30 cockroach species in America out of 4,600 that are associated with human habitat. Four species of its kind are part of the pest world. These are German Cockroach, American Cockroach, Brown-banded Cockroach, and Oriental Cockroach.

What Is The Most Common Kind Of Cockroaches?

  1. German Cockroaches - This kind of species typically lives up to 12 months and they produce more eggs compared to the other species.
  2. American Cockroaches - Also called Periplaneta americana are the largest kind of cockroaches we commonly see in homes. They can grow up to 53 mm in length and can live up to two years. 
  3. Brown-banded Cockroaches - Also called Supella longipalpa lives an average of three to 11 months and they can grow up 13mm.
  4. Oriental Cockroaches - Also called Blatta orientalis has a lifespan of up to six months. Female Oriental Cockroaches can grow up to 32mm while males can grow up to 25mm long. This kind of species feeds primarily on decaying organic matter.

Can Cockroaches Make You Sick?

Yes! While cockroaches don’t normally bite, they can still cause health problems for human beings. People living in an infested house, apartment, or business establishments can experience them. Roaches may be small but they can carry different diseases. Here are some of them:

  1. Salmonellosis - infection with a bacteria Salmonella. Humans acquire this disease by eating foods that have animal feces.
  2. Typhoid Fever - a bacterial infection that can lead to a high fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. It is often passed on through contaminated food and drinking water. 
  3. Gastroenteritis - an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever. A person may get this by ingesting contaminated food or water. 
  4. Leprosy - a contagious disease that targets the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves, causing discoloration and lumps on the skin. 
  5. Giardia - a microscopic parasite that causes diarrheal illness known as giardiasis. Found on surfaces or in soil, food, or water that has been contaminated with feces from infected humans or animals.

Having roaches doesn’t mean that your place is dirty. Since these creatures are in love with water and food, they can easily find this in your home without much trouble. Regardless if you clean your house on a daily basis. Cockroaches survive best in warm conditions. Also, they absolutely love humid and dark places. So, if you want to completely get rid of them, one of the things you should do is to look for the source. Not only that, the place where they can stay as well.

As soon as one suspects infestation or sees one or a couple of its kind, the first thing that comes in their mind is to get rid of these nasty creatures. There are many different kinds of pest control we can try and one of them is using roach fogger. Roach foggers are also called cockroach bombs. This is a form of pest control wherein we spray chemicals into the air. This will eliminate unwanted guests in homes and business establishments. Pests like cockroaches, ticks, fleas, and other pests are targets.

Roach foggers are dangerous and you must give full attention and caution when using it. The substance they use in this method contains pyrethroid, pyrethrin, and aerosol propellants. These are both active ingredients and are highly flammable and could cause fire or explosion. If you are thinking of taking this step to get rid of pests, please make sure to prepare and do your research to avoid accidents. 

Things To Remember Before You Start The Process & After The Treatment:

  • Read the label carefully and make sure to follow safety precautions. If you are to do this method yourself or without help from a professional, make sure to read the label. Don't forget as well the safety precaution that comes with the product that you are about to use. These products can be effective. But they surely cause risk to your home and serious health problems to you and your family when not used properly.
  • Find out if there are ignition sources in the area where the fogging will take place.  A fire or explosion may occur if a large amount of fogger material is exposed to direct ignition like flame or spark from faulty electrical appliances. Unplug all electrical appliances if possible.
  • Notify family members or anyone that may enter the premises. Notifying your family, neighbors or potential visitors will help reduce the risk of them walking into your home and exposing themselves to the chemicals this fogger contains.
  • Open cupboards, drawers, and closets that need treatment. If your bedroom and kitchen area are part of the areas that need to be fogged, make sure to cover your clothes, bed, food, and kitchen utensils. You can use plastic, cloth, or newspaper to cover or seal these things or remove them completely if possible. It is also advisable to wash your kitchen wares and utensils after the treatment to make sure they are all safe to use. 
  • If you have kids at home, cover their things and their toys with plastic, newspaper, or washable cloth. You may wash it too as soon as you return home or before you hand it over to your kids again. Keep out of reach of children any materials used in fogging. 
  • Vacate the premises for the time being. It is certainly not safe to breathe the chemicals used for pest control so make sure that you together with your pets (if you have any) will leave the place before the process starts. Entering the premises right after the fogging has been done may lead to illness. For most products, they recommend leaving the premises for about 3 hours or more after the treatment. You may check the label for a recommendation.
  • Air out after the treatment. Open the windows and doors as soon as you enter your home after the treatment to ventilate the remaining fumes. You can also place your indoor plants in the exposed areas as this will also help get rid of remaining fumes.
  • Wash any exposed areas after fogging. things like linens, sheets, and curtains must be washed to get rid of the pesticide residue. 

If you think of it, the process may seem easy as you can actually do it yourself. There are foggers and bombs you can purchase in stores and you just have to read the label for instructions. Easy, right? But the question is; is this really effective? Can it eradicate the cockroach or pest infestation inside my house or business establishment?

Based on studies, foggers and bombs are not the best solutions available if you want to completely eliminate these pesky, creepy and disgusting cockroaches. Yes, foggers and bombs can kill cockroaches crawling in and out but do not forget that these creatures hide in dark places, wall cracks, and crevices which cannot be reached by bombs. Aside from this, studies also show that roaches are now resistant to many kinds of pesticides and insecticides, so using the foggers and bombs which you can buy over the counter may not be the best answer to your pest problem.

Save your time, money, and effort! Instead of performing this method on your own, why don’t you just call Go-Forth Home Services services to do the job for you?

Let Go-Forth Home Services Handle The Job

No home or pest is the same, so there is no one size fits all solution.

Finding the best pest control management is important if you want to completely eradicate these troublesome pests in your home safely and efficiently. At Go-Forth Home Services, we have professional technicians who will examine your home and your lawn to evaluate your necessity. We will identify points of entry and make treatments as necessary. We only use top-notch equipment to keep up with these ever-evolving pests. Go-Forth is simply the best.

Go-Forth Home Services is a family-owned company with excellent experience in handling difficult pests. We provide you with excellent service using the best state of the art technology in the business. Our service to you is more efficient, safer, and more convenient than what our competitor can give you. We have a team of expert professionals who can provide the best pest control services to residents and business establishments throughout the Triad area.

We can bring in a fresh approach to the pest control industry, using family-friendly and pet-friendly methods that cater to your specific needs. Our expertise in exterminating pests like cockroaches, wasps, weevils, mosquitoes, mice, flies, termites, ants, and spiders will help you get rid of these pests in your home. Check us out on Facebook or Google us to see what our satisfied customers have to say about us.

For more information, or to set an appointment, just dial (877) 274-1475. Our friendly operators are standing by.