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Flea Exterminators Near Winston-Salem, NC

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Regular flea control has to be carried out on our pets to keep them free from fleas, healthy and active, and for our good health too. When you do find fleas on your pet or some around your home even though you do not have a pet at home, it is best not to panic. Flea exterminators will be able to advise you on the best course of action that you would need to get rid of fleas and keep your pets free from fleas all year round. Go-Forth Home Services has been in the Triad since 1959, headquartered in High Point. They have branches throughout North and South Carolina, so feel free to call them for advice on how to get rid of fleas from your Winston-Salem home.

Fleas & Flea Prevention

Regular clean-up, and showering our pets with anti-flea shampoos, medication, and other flea treatments could prevent infestation by fleas. Flea control is imperative if we do have pets at home, and always keeping a very close watch on our pets is important. Any scratching by our pet would indicate an infestation and immediate flea treatments have to be taken. Ignoring it could have disastrous consequences, as flea infestation can take place within a few weeks.

Vacuuming your floor, carpets, furniture, and other likely places for them to be regularly will reduce your flea problem. Once you have vacuumed you must ensure that the bag is thoroughly cleaned up or disposed off. Regular vacuuming is known to be a very effective method of flea control. About 70-80% of all stages of fleas are readily sucked in. Adults being only about 5%, it is necessary that the early stages are also controlled so that re-infestation does not occur. Floors of wood and tiles that have minute cracks and crevices are ideal hiding places for fleas. Vacuuming will suck them out, and then taking corrective measures like mopping with disinfectants would help.

There are natural ingredients like citronella oil that are used effectively in flea control. Giving your pet regular baths with a citronella-based shampoo would reduce the incidence of fleas, on its body and around the house. Regular brushing of your pet with a flea comb would also reduce the quantum of fleas on its body. If you have a garden where your pet is very likely to play they could also harbor eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. Any treatment that would be carried out on your pet will have to be extended to the garden as well.

Reliable Pest Control Treatments In Winston-Salem, NC

Experienced and trained flea exterminators can identify the various species and employ the most effective methods and insecticides to counter them. Like all other pests fleas cannot be eliminated or exterminated, they can only be controlled and that too, on a very consistent and sustained exercise.

The strict regimen that we put into place is good for our pets as they would grow with no visits to the veterinarian, and grow into healthy animals. Their coats if dogs and cats would give a more gleaning look rather than a dull disarranged look after regular scratching. Regular scratching would also drop their fur and they would look sickly and frail. Their appetites would drop and they would be prone to various other sicknesses. If your flea treatments are not working, don't forget to call Go-Forth Home Services of Winston-Salem, they have very effective treatments to get rid of fleas from your home for good.